Ralene Revord – District 3

Preferred Alternative

Ralene’s Engagement with the Students

Ralene Revord claims she loves our kids and is passionate about our community, but she does not make the time to attend Student forums or even answer D49 Student questions.

Ralene also failed to respond to the District 49 Student Board of Representatives. How does Ralene claim to be engaged and want to represent stakeholders if she is unwilling to even communicate with students during the elections?

Ralene Revord has failed to even fill out the standard Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

What is Ralene Revord’s Experience in Education?

Ralene Revord discusses her experience on the Charter School Board of Education for Liberty Tree Academy. What Ralene does not discuss, is the fact she was appointed and served less than six months. She has been unable to attend D49 Board of Education meetings in-person because she “has kids and we’re always on the go.”

Ralene Revord cannot be expected to properly serve as a D49 School Board Director, representing 1/5th of our entire district, if she is unable to attend these meetings in-person, even as a community member and “involved” parent.

Ralene Revord is for SALE to Big Business and Conservative Extremism

Ralene Revord is receiving significantly more funding than any other candidate in the 2023 District 49 Board of Education Elections. Where is this money coming from and why is she receiving it?

Thanks to the open records laws and TRACER website, we know Ralene Revord is being funded by the same builders and political groups that funded the extreme right-wing liar, Ivy Liu.

But why would home builders want to donate money to Ivy and Ralene? Lower taxes means it is easier to sell homes. They are buying business by buying a Board of Education Director that will help enact the policies and support beneficial to their business.

Ralene Revord IS pure corruption.

Classic Homes Donated $2,500 to buy Ralene Revord
Covington Homes Donated $1,200 to buy Ralene Revord
All the big Home Builders have purchased Ralene Revord’s support!
Carrie Geitner’s purchase of Ralene Revord’s support.
$500 from the right-wing extremist Grow Freedom Fund, setup to ELIMINATE Public Education

Ralene Revord’s Disastrous Budgeting and Accounting

Ralene Revord has $450 in late fees for failing to file timely reports in TRACER. Ralene’s October 30th report had to be refiled because, oopsie, missed about $2500 in donations and about $2700 in expenditures. She has a validated complaint of $500 in disallowed donations (from the family business) and she has tons more violations where she received multiple donations from the same people and never aggregated them properly, misrepresented their donations, and failed basic addition of donations. If Ms. Revord can make such a giant mess out of a $6500 campaign budget, imagine what she’ll do to the D49 budget.

Ralene touts her experience on the school board for Liberty Tree Academy (LTA), but her budgeting skills are in doubt there as well. The school approved a budget assuming 668 students, they are on track to be 11% short and they’ll have to make some hard budget decisions. With the school year already in progress and this concern known, Ralene and the rest of the board approved themselves to visit Hillsdale College and bill the travel to the school. This is an avoidable expense and a personal junket that represents a failure to prioritize fiscal responsibility and student outcomes.

Ralene Revord has approved unneeded expenses with an LTA budget over-committed by 11%